By Edward King (auth.)

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3 The paradox of this logic of disembodiment is that it does not entail discarding the body altogether but intervening in its processes to an unprecedented degree. The passage from national discipline to transnational control is characterized by an intensification of both the biopolitical interventions into the social body (now diffuse and increasingly global) and the disciplining of individual bodies that took place during the disciplinary era. As the spaces of enclosure described by Foucault are dismantled, discipline becomes evermore immanent to each individual body while nation-states cede control over the biopolitical management of populations to the market.

In Silicone XXI, Sirkis incorporates technology into this myth of harmonious syncretism. By returning to ideological “solutions” formulated during Getulio Vargas’s Estado Novo in response to “problems” formulated by the Romantics during the last decades of the empire and the beginning of the República Velha (the legacy of slavery), Sirkis’s book evokes what could be described as the most common discourse about digital culture in Brazil, which can be summed up by the title of the essay collection Digitofagia.

In their mobilization of science fiction tropes the texts set out to return to these moments of potential. 1 E SPI R I T ISMO DIGI TA L i n C y be r f ic t ion f rom Br a z i l A particularly striking dimension of the novels referred to by de Sousa Causo and Ginway as Tupinipunk, is their blend of neoliberal fantasies of disembodiment with concepts of immaterial, spiritual bodies proposed by the espiritista sciences during the late nineteenth century in Brazil. The description of the cyborg bodies in the novels and short stories evokes the imagery of the electromagnetic body, the body understood in terms of electromagnetic flows.

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